Power is delivered to the building via a fully resilient, dual-capacity supply direct from the London Electricity Board (now EDF) with full N + 1 redundancy. In house distribution to the client is supported via an N+1 uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system, which is backed up by a fully automated generator switchover. The generator fuel capacity is sufficient to power the facility for seven days before refueling. Additional fuel is available as a priority should the need arise. Direct current (DC) power is available for individual clients on request.
Highly qualified, decision making security guards attend the site 24/7, 365 days a year. They employ stringent access procedures to ensure the security of the building, the control of movement of client equipment, and the safety of clients and visitors, alike. Naturally, access areas are protected by a state of the art card access control system, which restricts access to client specific parts of the building.
As you would expect, all aspects of the building are fully monitored by CCTV cameras with a sixty-day digital archive. Also, individual suites are equipped with sophisticated intruder alarms, and selected internal and external doors are alarmed at all times.
Lifeline House is designed to absolutely guarantee site integrity without being cumbersome. This means clients and their engineers have easy access to the site whenever required as long as they follow the rules.
Connectivity management
Lifeline House is equipped with multiple fibre cable entry points to central ‘Meet Me Rooms’. These in turn are furnished with fibre racks, ODF’s and DDF’s allowing for rapid connectivity between individual carriers and client’s equipment.
Vertical risers, horizontal and vertical basket trays provide cable access to multiple entry points for customer suites or rack locations.
Our policy is to remove redundant cabling as necessary.
To ensure optimum performance, all client suites and shared areas are maintained at a constant 21ºC ± 2ºC and relative humidity is kept at 50% ± 10%. Both are continually monitored by either client or in house processes or both. City Lifeline installs redundant cooling systems as standard for all its client suites and shared areas.
Fire Suppression
Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus (VESDA) has been installed in client suites that have opted for it. These highly sensitive aspirating smoke detectors are linked to the Central Building Fire Alarm system which is monitored continually. They provide very early detection to help avoid fire, loss and business disruption. This is coupled with a gas based fire retardant that is environmentally friendly, to put out fires instantly, without damaging equipment.
About City Lifeline
Established in 1994, City Lifeline is one of the UK’s leading independent, carrier neutral colocation hotels. We have some of the best connectivity in Europe along with the skills and experience to deal with all of your technology needs.
“Speakeasy Communications Ltd were delighted to chose City Lifeline House as its main City of London, UK data centre in 2007. We were looking for a secure site close to the City of London with the necessary robust ISP and Carrier connectivity that we need to run our retail communications business. As the Speakeasy Communications business continues to grow we are confident that the CityLife Line facility will be able to cater for all our connectivity and power needs at a competitive price.”
— Mark J. Stewart, Managing Director,
Speakeasy Communications Ltd